01云南官房企业集团常务董事 蒋鸿兴先生 MR.JIANG HONGXING ——将经济美观文化诸多效益综合于一体的成功创作者。蒋鸿兴先生从业30年,将设计核心价值凝结为[低碳•独创•经济•地域文化],在300余个案例中一一践行,赢得40余次专业荣誉,为云南树立建筑设计榜样。 Mr. Jiang Hongxing is a successful creator who combines many benefits of economy, beauty and culture. He has been engaged in this line for 30 years, summarizing his design core value as “low-carbon, original creation, economy and local culture] and put it into more than 300 cases for practice, which has won him more than 40 times of professional honors and set a model for the building design in Yunnan.
02昆明官房建筑设计有限公司首席建筑师 徐新云先生 MR.XU XINYUN ——注重和谐设计倡导低碳节能的设计精英。22年的从业经验,徐新云先生强调投资方、酒店管理团队、设计团队三方的和谐,及各部门各环节的和谐,如此才能成就低投资高品质的酒店、低成本新创意高效果的作品。 Mr. Xu Xinyun is one design elite who focuses on harmonious design and promotion of low-carbon and energy-efficient. With 22 years of industrial experience, he stresses harmony among investors, hotel management team and design team, as well as harmony of all sectors and departments. Only in that way, it can create hotels in low investment and high quality as well as works in low cost, new originality and high effectiveness.
03深圳市新合和环境设计有限公司设计总监 乔辉先生 MR.QIAO HUI ——将文化内涵与商业价值融合出持续发展空间的品牌设计精英。乔辉先生以创意设计为生命,有化平凡为不平凡之设计功底,对设计精湛的研究体现于众多经典案例,在酒店设计上硕果累累。 Mr. Qiaohui is one brand design elite who integrates cultural connotation with commercial value to produce sustainable development space. He looks creative design as his life, making ordinary design to extraordinary one. His consummate research to design is reflected in a number of classical cases, and he has made great achievements in the hotel design.
04深圳市晶宫设计装饰工程有限公司设计总监 涂一先生 MR.TU YI ——商业价值与社会价值与自我价值相互融合的设计精英。极具社会责任感的涂一先生在天之城MALL项目中极力推广环保概念,以简洁时尚现代化的风格赢得肯定。 Mr. Tuyi is the design elite who combine with commercial value, social value and personal value. He extremely has sense of social responsibility, trying to promote the eco-friendly concept to the project of SKY MALL. He has been appreciated by his simple, fashionable and modern style.
05上海甲一建筑装饰设计工程有限公司设计总监 林杰智先生 MR.LIN JIE ZHI ——[空间•生活•文化•艺术]完美融合于作品的设计精英。多年游历于国外终在上海创立[甲一国际]。专业视角诠释空间,生活气息注入作品,中西古今文化合璧,艺术与设计的结合,成就林杰智先生独特设计风格与影响力。 Mr. Lin Jiezhi is one design elite who perfectly integrates “Space • Life • Culture • Art” into his works. He stayed in foreign countries for many years and finally set up “Jiayi International”. He interprets space in a professional angle, puts life breath into his works, combines Chinese and Western culture, ancient and today’s culture as well as art and design, which forms his unique design style and influence.
06香港紫香柯装饰设计总监 文武先生 MR.WEN WU ——古典元素与素材协调出高庄典雅的设计精英。文武先生在别墅酒店会所的设计上都卓有成就,善于营造意境美感,代表作品有[山东国宾馆][富乔国际大酒店]。 Mr. Wen Wu is one design elite who combines classical elements and raw materials to form sobriety and elegance. He has made great achievements in designing villa, hotel and club, and is good at making beauty of artistic conception. His representative works are “Shandong Guesthouse” and “Fu Qiao International Hotel”.
07深圳市卓艺装饰设计工程有限公司副总经理 曹海平先生 MR.CAO HAI PING ——精于酒店品牌设计与装饰的设计精英。从90年代中期进入建筑装饰业的曹海平先生,10多年来一直致力于酒店品牌、设计与装饰的研究,代表作品有[山东圣德国际大酒店][淮坊天和斯瑞国际大饭店],获业界肯定。 Mr. Cao Haiping is one design elite who specializes in design and decoration of hotel brand. He entered the building decoration industry in the mid-90s, for more than 10 years, he has been dedicated in study of hotel brand, design and decoration. His representative works are “Shandong Shengde International Hotel” and “Weifang Tianhe Sirui International Hotel”, which are appreciated by the industry.
08深圳市卓艺装饰设计工程有限公司项目设计总监 梁自翔先生 MR.LIANG ZI XIANG ——善于利用线条及弧度展现空间艺术的设计精英。纵观梁自翔先生的[山西太原雁北宾馆][广东阳江东方海湾大酒店],刚硬的线条中透着柔和,完美的弧度释放了一种张扬的美;在众多高星级酒店案例中取得卓越成就。 Mr. Liang Zixiang is one design elite who specializes in showing space art by lines and arc. His works “Shanxi Taiyuan Yanbei Hotel” and “Guangdong Yangjiang Oriental Bay Hotel” reveal rigid lines and softness, as well as beauty in perfect arc. He has made great achievements in many cases of high-star hotels.
09广州集美组室内设计工程有限公司高级设计师 吴瑶君女士 MS.WU YAO JUN ——艺术气息浓厚突显作品美感的设计精英。从业13年的吴瑶君女士,每一个作品都是一副美丽的画,朝气蓬勃,给人强烈的视觉冲击力。30余个富有代表性的作品,是其智慧的凝结,亦是其对酒店设计的贡献。 Ms. Wu Yaojun is design elite whose works have strong aesthetic feeling and beauty. Having been engaged in this industry for 13 years, every of her works is a beautiful paint, full of youthful spirity and giving people strong visual impact. She has more than 30 representative works which are condensation of her wisdom and contribution to the hotel design.
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