01豪生国际酒店集团(中国)董事长兼总裁 章伟信先生 MR.WILBURT CHANG ——带领[豪生]快速发展对中国酒店业做出巨大贡献的知名人物。豪生国际酒店集团中国区公司自2000年成立后,在章伟信先生的领导下,发展以五星为核心的酒店超过115家,目前开张酒店高达23家。 Mr. Zhang Weixin is a well-known person who leads Howard Johnson to develop fast and contributes greatly to the hotel industry in China. After the establishment of Howard Johnson International Hotel Group China Region Company in 2000, under his leadership, more than 115 five-star hotels were opened, and 23 opened now.
02粤海(国际)酒店管理集团有限公司董事长 郑玮玲女士 MS.ZHENG WEI LING ——以远见卓识创新创优领导[粤海]团队成为享誉海内外的知名人物。作为业界著名品牌集团统帅,她以智慧运营旗下酒店资产,实现经营现金流最大化与资产保值增值、创一流品牌的目标。充分发挥女性特质演绎“德诚于中礼形于外”的酒店文化精髓。 She is a well-known woman in and out of China who leads GDH team with her foresight, innovation and excellence. As a commander of a famous brand group in the industry, she operates the hotel assets with her intelligence, achieving the goals of operating the max. of cash flow, value preservation and value increase, as well as creation of a first-class brand. She fully plays her feminine characteristics and interprets a hotel cultural essence of “Sincerity Inside, Courtesy Outside.”
03海航酒店(集团)有限公司副总裁 周福池先生 MR.ZHOU FU CHI 领导[海航酒店]民族特色与国际理念相融合同发展的酒店业知名人物。 He is a famous person who leads Hainan Airlines Hotel and develops it by integrating the national feature with international concept.
04锦江之星旅馆有限公司首席执行官 徐祖荣先生 MR.XU ZU RONG ——以奉献精神把[锦江之星]发展成为中国最具影响力的经济连锁酒店品牌。拥有[锦江]20余年酒店管理经验的徐祖荣先生,以把控连锁运营,降低成本的专业能力,带领团队创造了品牌规模经济和社会效益的双赢局面。 Mr. Xu Zurong has more than 20 years of hotel management experience in “Jinjiang Inn”, and with his dedication spirit, he has made Jingjiang the most influential economic chain hotel brand. Also, with his professional ability of controlling chain operation and reducing costs, he leads his team to create a win-win situation of brand-scale economy and social benefits.
05玉渊潭酒店集团董事长 刘凤英女士 MS.LIU FENG YING ——在整合农工商资源成立玉渊潭酒店集团的过程中做出了巨大贡献。作为玉渊潭酒店集团董事长的刘凤英女士,领导着41万㎡3500间客房的13家成员酒店;对国有资产的整合与集约化发展道路奉献了自己的智慧与才情。 Ms. Liu Fengying is chairwoman of Unitune Hotel Group who contributes greatly in the process of integrating resources of agriculture, industry and commerce to establish Unitune Hotel Group. Controlling 13 member hotels with 410,000-square-meter and 3,500 guest rooms, she has contributed her wisdom and talents for integration of state-owned assets as well as intensive development.
06深圳格兰云天酒店管理公司总经理 张振山先生 MR.ZHANG ZHENSHAN ——成功的创造并延伸了[格兰云天]品牌。从事酒店运营20余年的张振山先生,战略地吸纳国际管理人才并良好地融入民族品牌的运营中,使[格兰云天]旗下酒店赢得经济效益和社会消费口碑。 Mr. Zhang Zhenshan successfully creates and develops the brand of “Grand Skylight”. He has been engaged in hotel operation for more than 20 years, strategically absorbing international management talents and well putting them into the operation of national brand, which makes the hotels of Grand Skylight win social benefits and social reputation.
07宁波南苑集团股份有限公司总经理 张宁象先生 MR.ZHANG NING XIANG ——[南苑集团]的忠诚捍卫者并为之注入生命热血的年度人物。从教育工作转行到[南苑集团]的张宁象先生,17年来,从总办主任到[宁波南苑商务]董事长,是其成长的过程,亦是其对酒店业贡献的见证。 Mr. Zhang Ningxiang is an annual influencing person who faithfully defends from “Nanyuan Group” and puts his life and blood into it. He transferred from education industry to “Nanyuan Group”. For 17 years, he has grown up from Director of General Office to Chairman of “Ningbo Nanyuan Business”. It is a process of his growth, also a witness of his contribution to the hotel industry.
08上海博易观光医疗管理有限公司总裁 黄圣博先生 MR.HUANG SHENG BO ——在中国首创观光医疗主题园区的创业型人物。极具商业嗅觉敏感度的黄圣博先生,以其创新、开拓的精神,兴建[河南汝州温泉观光医疗主题园区],是第一道引燃中国观光医疗产业的曙光,是中国观光医疗产业的开拓者。 Mr. Huang Shengbo is an entrepreneurial person who initially creates the medical theme park in China. He has great commercial sensitivity and spirit of innovation and exploration, building “Henan Ruzhou Spa Resort Medical Theme Park” which is the first dawn in medical resort industry in China, and he is a pioneer of this industry.
09临海双鸽餐饮娱乐有限公司董事长 陈浩先生 MR.CHEN HAO ——酒店餐饮娱乐康体管理专家。陈浩先生以独特的经营方式将[临海双鸽•和平国际酒店]餐饮娱乐经营的有声有色。 Mr. Chen Hao is a management expert of hotel, catering, entertainment and health care. With his unique operational ways, he runs “Linhai Shuangge/Heping International Hotel” very well in catering and entertainment.
10黄山国际大酒店总经理 喻黎曙先生 MR.YU LI SHU ——以敏锐的思维方式和战略高度领导[黄山国大]成为黄山酒店业的榜样。有着“劳模”和各种协会要职的喻黎曙先生,把艺术家的文风摄采巧妙地融汇于所经营的酒店,使黄山风貌得以发扬光大并传播世界。 Mr. Yu Lishu is a “model worker” who has important titles in various associations. With his keen and strategic thinking ways, he leads “Huangshan Guoda” become a model in the hotel industry in Huangshan. He subtly integrates an artist’s style into the hotel operated by him, which carries forward the view of Huangshan and spreads it to the world.
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